Rock Haven (2007)
Rock Haven vs Latter Days
11 September 2008
Joshua Skye wrote: [...]I have seen people compare this with the incredible film "Latter Days" but such a comparison is almost offensive. If you want a religious gay film that's done right, see "Latter Days" and don't waste your time with this one [...]

Thanks a ton, Joshua! Your comment on a bad movie referred me to a gem I might have missed otherwise.

Rock Haven is a mere school-prom play, at best. A snippet of a piece that never began to be written. A huge waste of time indeed!

By comparison (offensive as it is!), Latter Days is from the heart, full of gentle wisdom and compassion: "beautiful, funny and good," to quote a highlight phrase from the film itself. Not a perfect achievement, but three scenes in it (outside the hospital; in the snow, with the subsequent sex sequence; and the finale) are more than enough to give it its raison d'etre. A must-see!
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