Stomach turning echo-chamber
10 September 2008
I've begun to watch Olberman's Countdown. I must say I am absolutely amazed at how lacking I am at amazement as to his ratings. He's positively dreadful; lacking in talent, acumen, political savvy of any sort, and the permanent smirk doesn't help.

Maybe he should have stayed doing "sports" journalism and guesting on the Hollywood Squares.

Those who seem to think he's remotely fair, consider this: He just, as I write this, referred to John McCain as indulging in "crass political terrorism." Even as he just had several guests in a row that he offered the opportunity to bash in the worst way, Sarah Palin and the aforesaid McCain.

He obviously promotes anti-Palin scurrilous rumors, attacks Republicans with an irrationality that would do Bill Maher proud, and omits basic facts when characterizing his pathologically fearful enemies (does he have a list, maybe he can count them down?).

I don't think he's a Democrat actually, I think he's an Obamacrat. He shills for him without question or demur -- taking his orders obviously as a robotic talking head.

His lack of balance is actually a bit scary insofar as others, such as Hannity and Colmes, O'Reilly, Wolf Blitzer, and even Chris Matthews (though not lately), have proponents of the other side to at least discuss a particular matter with.

Olbermann? He has a part of his "show" that is dedicated to the "most outrageous or untrue thing said on the behalf of John McCain", entitled, "McCain in the Membrane." Nice.

The snicker inducing backdrop of all this, is that no one watches this dreck -- excepting a few bemused critics (like me), or the true believers who hang out on the Daily Kos and, who spew out the most vicious of comments, not limited to wishing death on those they feel are insufficiently non-extreme left. Throw in that female comic who called Hillary Clinton a word best left unwritten, even with asterisks. I'm not afraid of words, but that was something Olbermann probably wouldn't have minded on his show if he could have gotten away with it.

I'd actually suggest tuning in, merely to be shocked and amazed, and have one's jaw dropped, at what passes for "journalism" on MSNBC.
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