Mind the Gap (2004)
Five threads make a very strong chord
5 July 2008
As the logline for this film indicates, it tells five different stories in the space of less than two hours. Beautifully filmed and intricately woven vignettes that at first might leave a viewer scratching his/her head, become a chord of great strength. When the director plucks it, oh how it sings!

The film takes nearly forty minutes to set up the five seemingly unrelated stories, but each of the main characters is so well drawn and wonderfully acted that I can't imagine cutting one minute of the first-act screen time. Once the raw material was laid out on the filmmaker's loom, the picture quickly formed an incredible tapestry of dreams that resonate with most of humanity, but seldom find fulfillment because of internal and/or external limitations.

The ending satisfied with a resonance that continued to grow for many days after watching. Do you want to see a world of possibilities, hope, joy, and an infinite future? Then watch Mind The Gap.
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