Silly,Crazy, Insane, Yet Fun To Watch
25 June 2008
Normally, I'm not a fan of reality TV shows, but this one I found it fun to watch.

A group of contestants, who have no idea what and where they're going, find themselves headed off to Tokyo, Japan to participate in one of those crazy Japanese game shows and this competition has a flavor of Survivor, or Last Comic Standing, where the contestants compete in teams, doing crazy challenges, Japanese style, where the winning team is rewarded, but the losing team goes through a "punishment" type of thing, once again Japanese style. It can vary, like being rickshaw operators in the streets of Tokyo for example, then the losing team is back in the studio and two will compete head to head in an elimination match, where one will go home. In the end, only one will remain and can say they survived a Japanese game show.

Before I've watched the first episode, I've seen one of these game shows before, where the things they have the contestants do can boarder on insanity,some even dangerous, but can have you laughing to no end.

This is a game show as I mentioned is silly, some can even say moronic. This is a show that is not for everyone. I wouldn't say Emmy material, but if you want to have fun, laugh and have a good time, this is a show to watch.
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