Vacancy (2007)
The Makers Trust Your Intelligence
15 June 2008
They don't make you feel stupid, they give you something that seems real. There isn't any sugar coating, no senseless nudity, just a claustrophobic atmosphere and tense build up that will have you on the edge of your seat, anxious to see what will happen next. It's the way a movie should be done, and makes for a satisfying late fright night.

A thrilling horror shocker that follows a quarreling married couple, David and Amy Fox (Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale) that end up breaking down in the middle of nowhere and have to walk a few miles to a gas station/motel. The strange and creepy manager gives them the "honeymoon suite." The room is, of course, the worst motel room you will ever see, cockroaches, no TV channels come in, etc. With nothing to do, David begins watching the videotapes(snuff films) in the room. They both begin to discover that the films are real and were filmed in their room. They find themselves in a life or death situation and try everything possible to survive the night. If you liked the trailer and the synopsis or any of the actors, you will definitely find that you like this movie. When I first saw a trailer for the movie, I thought it looked good, but was a little hesitant because of the way that horror movies are made today (gore and bore). This film has a very good plot and is solid in structure. Even though you do not get the full back story of the characters, you get their painful story through the excellent writing. In the beginning, you don't quite get why they fight or seem to "hate" each other, but it doesn't take long to understand (maybe 15 minutes counting the beginning montage of credits). I was literally on the edge of my seat throughout almost the entire film, and found not one dull moment. Suspense and tension are the real deal in this movie, and it is done incredibly well. Lots of excellent camera angles and authentic startling sequences add to the tense nature of the film. The characters seem very genuine and real, the relationship between the main two characters is portrayed extremely well. Wilson and Beckinsale come off as a real couple with a history. Their acting is extremely believable, and the writing of the characters is done extremely well. Another great thing is that they aren't your typical brainless genre characters who get naked and drop to the floor when the killer approaches, they are much more real. They do everything that you expect that you would do if you were in their situation. They make good decisions, which make them much more realistic, winning sympathy rather easily. There are heart-pumping fight sequences, which were well executed and will make you cross your fingers for Beckinsale and Wilson. There are also tender moments that will add to your root for them. By the end you will want them to stick it to that manager for everything he's done and for a reconciliation between the two main characters. I enjoyed it ten fold, but you'll have to watch it to see whether they make it in the end.

Overall, Vacancy is an original psychological thriller that is heavy on suspense, while not so heavy on bloodshed.

The movie does contain a far amount of vulgar language. I would recommend this movie. Your missing out if you don't see it.
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