Campy Vampire Classic
29 April 2008
Okay, we all know that any film with the title of "Billy the Kid vs. Dracula" is not going to be winning any academy awards. This movie is exactly what you would expect it to be...low budget, unintentionally funny and campy as hell.

The movie stars John Carradine as the vampire, and he's way too long in the tooth (no pun intended) for his role. He comes across as being a dirty old man (vampire?), leering after every young skirt he comes in contact with. It's not scary, just kind of repulsive. The movie has several hilarious lines, such as when Carradine growls "Where can I find this backwoods female pill slinger?" referring to the female doctor portrayed by Olive Carey, and "Oh God, the vampire test!" uttered with all seriousness by Virginia Christine, more well known as the Folger's Lady in the coffee commercials of the 1970's.

When Carradine turns into a vampire a red light is shown on his face...no fangs, nothing but this weird red glow and his eyes about to bug out of his head. It's absolutely side splitting to watch.

Chuck Courtney, who plays Billy, is competent in his role, but Melinda Plowman, who portrays Betty, his fiancée and the vampire's next meal, comes across as whiny and annoying. She was pretty, but I was almost rooting for John Carradine to do her in, just to shut her up.

This movie is one of those "it's so bad, it's good" movies. I love it, just for the sheer camp factor. They don't make 'em like this anymore.
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