Recep Ivedik (2008)
if you like the comedy character Recep Ivedik you will like this film
12 March 2008
First off, there's one point that I'd like to make is that what did you the watchers expect from this film ?? You expected a top comedy ? You honestly thought that this would be the funniest Turkish comedy ever ? If you go to see this flick with huge hopes and have huge expectations, then this film might disappoint you hugely. If you expect the best Turkish comedy, your hopes might get shattered. Keep this in mind when going to see this film.

As we know the funny character from previous TV shows, the pranks and the funny dialogs were predictable. Nothing new of course what we see! Hence I don't understand why the viewers moan about this comedy!! They should have known better if you ask me. However, I can say that if you like the comedy character Recep Ivedik you will like this film as well. Worth seeing, really it is, honest I think so. This film's served its purpose in my opinion. Some of the scenes are hilarious, I laughed really hard at some gags, couldn't stop laughing at some absurd dialogs,too. It's not that you nearly die of laughter or laugh out loud all the way through out. But this comedy film has a lot of giggle moments. OK, even though it's got not a clever story-line, and the plot might be dull but like most comedies I was entertained but not to the point of laughing out loud , but it was still entertaining for me. Unfortunately, towards the end, everything is done badly, like in Turkish comedies nowadays!

Sahan Gokbakar (Recep Ivedik) is superb in the film. To tell the truth I was glad that the character Recep Ivedik played the role as we know him from his TV shows. Nothing new was added to the role which I found cool. Other than that, the bellboy Komi and the lorry driver are really annoying, but Sahan Gokbakar (Recep Ivedik) and Tulug Cizgen (Sibel's mother) save the film.

To sum up, I can say that that Sahan Gokbakar fans would like this, however as with most comedy films which stem from an hour TV show, you do get a lot of problems, you can tell that it has been overstretched and gags that look good on TV don't always have the same effect on the big screen. As above-mentioned, it's not the best Turkish comedy flick in the world but then again it really doesn't deserve all the bad comments. It might not be great for some viewers but to say that this film was really p*** poor, and try to trash this funny film is not fair. I don't think much of the critics anyway but give this film a chance.
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