Vietnam, sad , lovely...gracious tenacious and full of beauty!
31 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers

This film was to me exactly what I see in the Vietnams history and its people, full of tenacity, courage and Stoicism in the very hardest of times, especially its amazing Women. After their loving and loyal beginnings the failings of the husband by his lack of ability to fulfil his lovers one demand made him sour. His lack of ability to provide and be a man like he would really want then got trumped by his disgust and guilt after discovering his wife's desperate efforts behind his back to make up for his failings, of course he initially took this out on his wife!

This further upset him and made him hate himself more, he clearly started to loose hope. Ultimately lessons where learn-ed through horrid political circumstances that happened to his Wife because of their plight, thus the Husband then realised why he fell in love with her in the first place and how precious she was and felt guilty for it. A lesson many learn in life every day throughout the world..this is not just sad and dark...it is very real even today. The steam train tragedy then continues but all along you are accompanied by the journey of the Silk dress...go see the film.

Do not forget this is NOT a Hollywood movie, this does not have a Universal studio budget, extensive pre-distribution deals and there is no Clooney or Pitt..it is what it is!

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