A different movie, that serves as a showcase for beauty of a different kind
29 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
While this isn't the greatest film of all time, it's one of the sweetest and most different ones I've seen.

Daisy, the main character isn't your usual run-of-the-mill heroine, either in looks or how she deals with her situation. It's unusual to see large people treated with such affectionate respect in a film, and this made it refreshingly different.

Daisy is unhappy with her size, but is taught to see it as a strength in the context of female sumo-wrestling. It sure makes a change from all the American "make-over" films, where the heroine is changed beyond recognition, and turned into a swan before she can have her happy ending. Daisy is just as loved at the beginning as at the end, for the person she is, but she has learnt also to see her own strength and beauty and can carry on with her life with new-found confidence.

The plot was a little thin, the "alien threat" side-plot just plain silly, but I didn't mind, since the characters had already won my heart.

I'm not a large person myself, but am concerned with the extreme ideals transmitted by the film industry and media today, so it was nice to see a film that dared to show a different beauty than the commercial norm.

I've watched this with my children (10 & 13) and they thought it was sweet and funny. My husband enjoyed it too, rather to my surprise, he isn't much for chick-flicks. It isn't a "laugh-out loud" comedy, but nice to watch for the beautiful images of large beauty and left a warm after-glow.
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