The bigger our screens get the smaller our hearts get.
21 January 2008
I loved watching this film; it gives you the sense that even among the poorest most squalid conditions we can find love. My heart soared watching love beam from Amma's face as she embraced thousands. The Christians say that heaven will be an eternity basking in God's love and I dismissed that idea until I saw this holy woman. I loved the scene where a man is on top of an elephant submerged in a river and he gently prods the roaring beast to the shore. "We have to fight our devils, greed arrogance and selfishness." This film transcends the description "movie." It's more of a "concentrated prayer." Prayer doesn't have a plot, but it peels away the resistance of the mind to the divine, like this film does. I saw the critics call it fawning, unenlightening, one sided, but prayer IS one sided, the side is love. If you're praying you don't think of negative things, you just bask.
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