Circus Kids (1994)
I've seen this before right????????
14 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie left me with a serious case of Deja Vu. Somewhere somehow I know I have seen this movie before.................that's right Drunken Master 2. I have never seen to different movies so much alike before in my life. Let's go with the differences first. Yuen Biao is in a circus troupe and it has Donnie (My Favorite Martial Artist In The World) Yen in it.

I could give you some details about the movie, but again if you've seen Drunken Master 2 (aka Legend of the Drunken Master), then this movie speaks for itself. Does that mean this movie is bad because of the similarities? By far that is a no. Circus Kids is a very good movie in it's own right. It's not the best Yen, or Biao movie, and it is certainly not the worst.
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