He should just admit his bias
7 October 2007
You know, I have YET to see a conservative deny what they are. Hannity doesn't deny it, Rush doesn't, Levin doesn't, basically they all are very clear and comfortable with who they are. Heck, Bill O admits what he is (libertarian I believe). EVEN ALAN COLMES WILL SAY HE IS A LIBERAL. Why is it that liberals never admit what they are? They always claim to be fair, but everything they do says they aren't. For example, this guy always features a conservative as his 'worst' person. Really now. Out of all the dopey Dems in Congress...none of them make the list? Puhleeze. All of the aforementioned hosts routinely play clips of both sides. Does anyone believe that Olbermann would ever go after a liberal the way Hannity did Voinovich over immigration? This guy probably wouldn't be at the bottom of the pile if 1.he wasn't so hateful and 2.if he'd just admit his bias instead of unsuccessfully hiding it.
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