Review of Private

Private (2004)
A pained attempt to demonize the Israelis
6 October 2007
This film does not enlighten viewers to the conflict... it is generic anti-Isreali drivel. The house is an obvious metaphor for the region and the Israelis, of course, are played as the brutish unsympathetic occupiers pushing the poor Palestinians out of their home. The Palestinian family members, with their differing views, are obviously meant to represent the various Palestinian viewpoints. We get it. The metaphor is as subtle as a hammer blow to the head.

This is just more pro Palestinian revisionist history propaganda. Most pro Palestinians either just hate Israel or got their history from the internet. Thinking you are informed on an issue is a lot easier that taking the time and effort to really be informed, as in researching all sides.

It's funny in a sad way that most films that claim to show an even handed view of a conflict always seem to be biased in one way or another.
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