The Oprah Winfrey Show (1986–2011)
The Queen of Talk Shows!!!
10 September 2007
Let's face it, England has Queen Elizabeth II and America has Oprah Winfrey. While she might be only a talk show hostess, she already commands a billion dollar empire which includes her show, magazine, radio station, television channel, etc. She is the first African American woman to be a billionaire but also represents those of us who strive to achieve as well. Oprah's show is expected to run it's course in 2011 and please say it isn't show. Can we imagine life without her show? Probably not, it wouldn't be same. I knew she was going to be big but as a success story when I first saw her after Color Purple and her academy award nomination. I never imagined her to be so successful beyond her wildest dreams. Oprah's show is always first rate most of the time. You may like her or dislike her but you can't avoid her show's influence and hers as well. Too bad, her film version of Beloved didn't win her an Academy Award because she deserved it. Oprah's book choices become best-sellers even though I disagree with some of her choices as too feminine and emotional. She chooses books that will make us better people. Enjoy her now while you still can because when she retires from her show, television would never be the same.
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