The Lost Weekend
7 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS**Little known and even less seen gem of a crime caper involving an assistant bank manager who takes it upon himself to steal his banks weekly deposits and take off to Brazil to live, with his wife and six year old daughter, happily ever after.

This thought just came into assistant bank manager Jim Osborne's, Joseph Cotten, head and it just ate him up until he finally took the a first step to do it: rob his bank and take off for Brazil over the weekend. Knowing that there's no expedition treaty with Brazil Osborne planned to go there with the stolen money but what he didn't know was that his wife Laurie, Teresa Wright, was totally against his actions and Osborne was to find that out very late, when he finally told her, in the movie.

You can't really say that everything went perfect for Osborne since he was almost caught a half dozen times before he even made it out of L.A with the suitcase, weighing 115 pounds, full of stolen cash amounting to some one million dollars. Taking Laurie along with him Osborne tells her that his bank is opening up a branch in Rio de Janeiro with him as the banks new manager.

Osborne screws up at every turn but somehow seems to be immune from being apprehended by the police and airport security. There's one scene in the movie when his suitcase is opened by the airport police where it's discovered that he's got one million dollars in it and he's let go! Osborne explained to airport security, as well as the custom agents, that he's taking the cash to the bank in Brazil to deposit from his bank back in L.A! Even more surprising airport security and US customs believe him and let Osborne board his flight with the stolen cash! This without even properly checking on Osborne bank, the manager was out playing golf at the time,to see if he's telling the truth!

With all his foul ups the one thing that Osborne did that ended up saving his neck was his not closing shut the bank vault at his bank from where he stole the million. It was that action that in the end****SPOILERS****made it possible for him to put the money back so it wouldn't be found missing when the bank opened that next Monday morning with him being the prime suspect in stealing it.

Osborne just about pulled off the perfect crime and was on the road to freedom, and safe from the police and FBI, as he waited for his flight in New Orleans to take him out of the country when he told Laurie what his real plans were. Laurie shocked that her husband was not only a crook but a not all there in the head walked out on him leaving Osborne to live and spend the million all by himself. Thinking it over while he went sightseeing in old New Orleans Osborne realized that what he did was truly an act of insanity and there and then decided to return the stolen money to it's proper owner; the bank that he ripped it off from.

Nail biting, if a bit far fetched, ending with Osborne racing back to the bank with the money that he took before it was discovered missing and stuffing it back into the vault before the bank manager and tellers found out that it was gone. With his conscience now cleared Osborne goes back home, he was given the day off by his boss, to get back to his wife Laurie and daughter Susan, Stephan King, and a life that he almost threw away.
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