Darkwing Duck (1991–1992)
The best American animated serial, period
31 July 2007
During the early 1990s we had this serial going every Sunday on our TV and we were breathless. Such a wild escapade of jokes was, is, and will always be a rare treat.

When speaking about super-hero serials, nothing more ridiculous, zany, mocking, and over-the-top lovely stupid has been created, in my humble opinion. Every time I watch any part of it, I lose the number of puns and jokes delivered (when I try to count) - they just go on and stumble one onto another. I don't know if the English-speaking version of this serial is funny but the Russian one is brilliant. I guess it is a perfect example of Disney productions, which deserves to be on DVD.

If you enjoy "Mermaid", you will hardly like this title. And if you are adult to the core of your soul, you will not like it. Otherwise: take a wild ride with the utterly obnoxious duck and rejoice.

10 out of 10. Definitely. Thank you for attention.
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