Batman (1966–1968)
Holy Campy Fun, Batman!
11 June 2007
I first watched this show when I was a kid. A cousin of mine had introduced it to me, and it was my first time seeing Batman and Robin played by real actors. In general, this show is very cheesy, campy, silly and whimsical, with average-at-best special effects, funny fight scenes and predictable stories. But, you don't really have to take this TV show seriously, just enjoy it. It's fun to watch (sometimes, it's so bad it's funny). Almost every major character from the comic strip are here including, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Dick Grayson/Robin, Commissioner Gordon, Alfred Pennysworth, Barbara Gordon/Batgirl, Joker, Penquin, Catwoman and the Riddler! I liked how this show depicted the Batcave, accessible through a mini-control hidden underneath the head of a statue, and Barbara Gordon's secret chamber for her Batgirl costume: she flips a switch under her dresser and the entire wall turns to reveal her secret identity.

The lively opening scene music will probably be ingrained in your mind forever after hearing it, and will instantly remind you that this is the Batman series from the 1960s. And, the animation from the opening scene resembles that of those in the comic books. The costumes are also very colorful and vibrant.

Each of the episode is hatched out to contain straight-to-the-point plot (though very cliché): the heroes finds the villains and tries to foil their plot. Each episode contains action-packed fight scenes along with animated texts like "Pow," Kapow," "Sock" and others appearing on your TV screen. Each character's dialog are spoken as if he/she is running out of time - fast like there is no room for nonsense, and no room for dramatic and slow-talks. Adam West looked like he had too much fun filming this series. The series got more interesting with the additional of Batgirl in Season 3, in my opinion.

Above all, a very campy show, sometimes serving as great popcorn entertainment. You don't have to worry about the story or take the plot seriously, just enjoy the action.

Grade B-
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