Jesus Camp (2006)
ruined minds
4 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A fanatic is someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. This film is full of fanatics. They eat sleep and drink Jesus. They work Jesus into every second of their lives and every conversation, and when they need a break they go away to camp so they can testify to each other that they want, need & have even more Jesus in their lives. Then they use this unbalanced obsession to judge anyone who isn't wetting their pants over Jesus. Rather than striking fear into liberal hearts as Becky the misguided Jesus Camp counselor believes, it's just sad. These children's minds have been solo-tracked and ruined before they even know what critical thinking is; as with the insufferable 9 year old Rachel who is proud of her emerging intolerance and know-it-all-ness; the arrogant Levi who spouts malarkey with a dead, uncomprehending mind. These kids are being warped and used in a disgusting, cynical way that a non-believer would never even contemplate.

Although much is made of the demeaning comparison evolutionists supposedly make of humans to apes, I would say this. Every living creature on this planet has a brain, only one has a mind. That is the human race. As such it would be a disgrace, a shame and a waste not to develop it. You cannot develop your mind with the tireless, petty application of one book to every aspect of your life; or by endlessly forcing your problems into the mold of Jesus or Satan. And if you don't develop the ability to think abstractly you might as well be an animal; because if you aren't using your mind, you are an animal. The good book can't save you from that.

These kids are absolutely sure of concepts they don't understand to any depth, and they have been indoctrinated to believe that doubt is basically sin. But doubt is what would help them cope in life, AND help them recover from these damaged childhoods. Doubt is good. These kids couldn't argue their way out of a paper bag because they have no idea what the alternatives are. It's unfortunate that children really don't have any civil rights until they remove themselves from their parents influence. The founding fathers should have framed some sort of children's bill of rights because surely kids deserve to be free of influence this nasty & lost; religious hate, histrionics & abuse.

Becky the large, blond woman who spearheads the camp is actually the saddest, most pathetic figure of all; so intolerant that whenever she is shown in her home she is alone. No wonder. No one else can bear her. Even when shopping, she admits, anything that she comes across is evaluated for propagandistic value; i.e. How can this item be used to further ruin kids minds, and continue their transformation into moral simpletons? She doesn't trust a child to have any thought she hasn't programmed into them. She exists as the ultimate betrayal of authority, joyfully depriving children of their minds.

There isn't a single word in the bible in praise of thinking or common sense. If God wanted me to believe in him, he would have offered me some goal more appealing than spending eternity with arrogant hypocrites who spent their living years aggravating conflicts and ruining entire nations; he would have devised something other than shrill, bottom-feeding fanatics to get the message to me. Amidst all of their foibles, I would still be able to see the beauty of their minds shining through. There is no beauty in these minds. Anyone who thinks cannot bear to spend more than a few minutes with an incorrigible ignoramus.

Ultimately militant Christians are their own worst argument; there is no weaker endorsement of Jesus' love than the fact that the power-mad people in this movie clearly believe hate works better. And there isn't enough grace in the universe to turn an ignoramus into a treasure.

It's Christian's biggest fear that gay people MIGHT be doing the things that Christians actually ARE doing: Christians want to shove their lifestyle down your throat. Christians want special rights. Christians recruit. Christians prey on the vulnerable. Christians exploit & brainwash children. Children are just a means to an end for this twisted crew.
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