An enjoyably dumb handy handy discount 70's drive-in combo of drug deal pictures and car chase features
14 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If someone was to take an episode of "The Dukes of Hazzard," stretch it out to a ninety minute feature length, crank up the idiotic hayseed tomfoolery to the noxiously stupid ninth degree, and substitute Bo and Luke with a third-rate Southern-fried whitebread hairball hippie Cheech and Chong-style stoner dope humor comedic duo, the net result of this ill-advised attempt at wannabe clever "high concept" tinkering would probably be a lot like this almost impossibly boneheaded downhome mid 70's regional redneck outdoor picture show car chase romp. Real-life brothers Don and Bob Watson star as Oosh and Boosh, a pair of burly, bearded, hirsute longhair siblings who smuggle weed for a living and do their best to avoid getting arrested by the local yokel cops. Man, does this delectably dreadful darling possess all the right wrong stuff: feeble direction by Jim West, a barebones outline for a script, an eclectic film library score which alternates between corny country swing and uproariously inappropriate groovy, syncopated, fuzztone-and-Hammond-organ-rippin' psychedelic freak-out funky noise lifted from some European exploitation flick (!), uniformly crummy acting from a lame no-name cast, dense, thick, heavily drawling country accents which render most of the dismal dialogue borderline incomprehensible, hopelessly dated jokes about smoking grass and getting high, a colorful array of quirky fringe characters who include a gruff drug-running airplane pilot and a black religious loony armored car security guard, hardly any story to speak of, a first-rate goofy theme song called "Pot Plane" (immortal verse: "I fly the pot plane"), and, best of all, a constant barrage of metal-mangling, heart-in-your-throat, hell-broke-for-an-early-grave loco car chases (no professional stuntmen were used for these tasty thrilling sequences). In short, this honey overall rates as a whole lot of nice no-brainer cheapjack drive-in film fun.
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