Review of The Gift

The X-Files: The Gift (2001)
Season 8, Episode 11
Great One!
11 May 2007
Any season 8 critics should take note. This is one hell of an episode... Doggett & Skinner investigate a case Mulder was working on before he disappeared. When Doggett is forced to put his skepticism of Mulder's work & disappearance aside in order to solve the case, he starts to understand what Mulder (& the x files), are really all about... It's actually a rather moving episode. If any of you get a chance to catch it in reruns, I highly recommend it.

I find it some what sad that a lot of die hard fans never really gave seasons 8 & 9 a fair shot. You really missed out on some great episodes... "Lord of the Flies" & "Release" from season 9 are also really strong episodes.
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