Good cast, but otherwise.........
18 January 2007
Small-scale story of individuals caught up in a giant war, as opposed to a big WWII blockbuster. Low-budget black and white movie, but that's OK since it is not a blockbuster. However, the combination of low budget, poor script and below-average direction prevents this film from being worthwhile. It appears to have been filmed very quickly, maybe in a matter of days or a couple of weeks.

Audie Murphy has a lot of screen "presence" and he elevates what is otherwise not much here. Dolores Michaels is great as always and very watchable. Her leading-lady talent is far above this insignificant movie. Alejandro Rey is watchable as he again elevates one of his many B-movie roles and TV appearances (he had a remarkable ability to do this).

The cheap California island location filming is surprisingly adequate as a substitute for the real would-be scene of the action.

Can't really recommend this, but the movie's stars outshine the material and are individually fine.
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