Vacuum Cleaners Suck ...
17 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
... if you're trying to sell them door-to-door as Fernandel finds himself doing as the eponymous Casimir. Hungarian Richard Pottier went to bat some 38 times in his career and can at least claim that he worked with Jacques Prevert (on Une Oiseau rare) but for a Journeyman director this isn't bad at all. Speaking for myself I liked the way Pottier was prepared to spend the first three reels giving Fernandel a chance to establish his klutziness with a couple of set-pieces one in an executive's office and one in a psychiatric clinic before getting to the main thrust of the plot. When he calls on painter, Andre, he is unaware of the relationship between Andre and South American gotrocks Angelita. Having given her the air Andre wants to make himself scarce before she shows up and when she does she mistakes Casimir for Andre, natch. The usual complications follow and much is made of a scene in which Casimir and Andre are sharing a bed. Angelita has booked both a manicurist and a pedicurist and the latter is called on to do a skull (double take) when Fernandel gets out of bed, his pajama bottoms concealing his feet as the pedicurist is still working on the unseen Andre's. It all works out in the end and is highly enjoyable providing you like Fernandel.
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