Two-Dimensional, One-Sided Take of School Shootings
15 December 2006
The film pretty much a rated-R version of an after school special: cursing, drug use, gratuitous sex, and rape all involving teens that are played by actors in their twenties. The film is supposedly a cautionary tale of how two young high school students who make the decision to shoot up the school. Before the shooting begins we are subjected to events that lead up to the shootings: a jock confesses to his sweetheart girlfriends that he has banged other girls because she wouldn't "put out." A pathetic jackass relays a story to a group of high school students on how he and his friends gang raped a mentally disturbed girl (the flash sequences of the rape is pretty graphic). An a young high school couple who make the decision of whether or not they are going to keep the unexpected baby on the way. The film for the most part is pathetic and an excuse to forgive anyone who goes into a school with guns and weapons to kill their persecutors. It's disgraceful and the characters are underdeveloped and fake with all the rated-R benefits to go along with. If you are curious feel free to rent, but you won't get your money back.
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