Review of Slip

Slip (2006)
Pleasantly Surprised
15 December 2006
Considering this is a low budget direct-to-DVD feature by first time filmmakers, I am very impressed. "Slip" is well shot and acted. The only exception being that Jill Small underplays her lead role too much. Don Turner in the lead is a standout and Hosea Simmons as the main villain steals every scene he's in. I wouldn't be surprised if these two show up and hold their own in bigger productions in the future.

The story is very interesting if not original. There are some clever moments and even a few that are quite touching. The film has a little of everything, some snappy dialog, some gore, gang violence, a little sentimentality, and supernatural themes. It's a mix of genres that is its strength and sometimes its weakness. You almost never can predict what's going to happen next and yet it feels overlong in its final reels when all the elements come together. There are also a few impressive special effects. And the music, appropriate. A fine first film for all involved.
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