Very promising, brilliant idea, so-so execution
9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie probably has had the most potential of any movie I've ever seen. They didn't flop, but they didn't manage to blow me away with it. I was on the lookout the entire time to see how accurate they were, and at the start I thought I was going to be amazed by the end. The opening scene with the slave described as property hooked me for the entire movie. I instantly thought of the Dredd Scott Case, and thought they would do a near perfect analysis. Unfortunately, that was just beginners luck. The writers seemed to think adding little "in" jokes would be a better idea than actual research. "Seperate and certainly not equal" as opposed to what really happened "seperate but equal", "my great-grandfather did not have sexual relations with that woman", etc. The analysis was promising at first, but sort of tapered off. The South had an attitude of "leave us be" in the war. Had they won, they would have wanted to split off from the north and done as they pleased without opposition. Second, Jefferson Davis fought along with Lincoln in the Black Hawk War, he would never have sought him out or tried him for war crimes. Third, The majority of Native American tribes joined with the Confederacy during the Civil War (the enemy of my enemy is my friend concept), so they wouldn't have been harassing them after the war. And lastly, why did it follow the basic course of US History anyway? It's completely ridiculous to think that the South winning wouldn't radically alter history as we know it.
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