A Shining New Beacon in the Darkness We Call "The Media"...
7 November 2006
I first took notice of Olbermann from his well articulated clips from youtube.com. He was just so knowledgeable and passionate about the news which isn't new I guess, but what struck a chord with me was his sincerity. I am accustomed to news reporters having catch phrases such as "Keeping them honest." or "fair and balanced" but Olbermann isn't looking for quotes that can be easily imitated for the masses he is looking for the news and thus the truth. I hear so much about Anderson Cooper, but I don't get it. What is so intriguing about him besides his flashy silver hair and his "keeping them honest" gimmick? What contribution has he given to his viewers? I am not here to criticize complacent yet otherwise well meaning reporters, but I am here to thank Keith Olbermann. He reminds me of a time when being a journalist meant something more than being a personality who likes to wear "bow-ties." Thank You Olbermann. Thank You for giving us a chance to use the television medium for an exchange in information and not just a weekly digestion of programming. I now look forward to 8'o clock pm.

Good Night and Good Luck- Edward R. Murrows
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