It's Not an Easy Task to Achieve a Movie as Awful as This One
20 October 2006
In a decade -the 50's- where us moviegoers were not very hard on sci-fi or horror films because the genre was in demand and many of them became little classics even with their natural technological limitations ("Creature of the Black Lagoon", "The Fly", "The Incredible Shrinking Man"), this one was really bad and impossible to defend.

If you just consider that Zsa Zsa Gabor is the main star you can imagine what you could expect from the rest of the cast. Miss Gabor has always been a less than mediocre actress; in fact I can't recall an acceptable performance out of her.

"Queen of Outer Space" has no highlights whatsoever, it looks cheap and is boring; costumes and settings are standard or worse (it's impossible to imagine the guys are in Venus). The story could not be less original (the destruction of the earth by aliens that look exactly like us).

The face of the masked evil queen would have been something to maintain some sort of interest on; but not even that, director Edward Bernds shows it five minutes after she makes her appearance.

Real bad product. My 2 rank (out of 10) goes to an acceptable color photography.
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