Boa vs. Python (2004 Video)
Hilarious B Movie Fun
18 October 2006
To truly appreciate films like this, you just have to approach them at the right angle! The film is crap...yes. The CGI is laughable, the plot is none-existent and (aside from David Hewlett who makes the most of what he has) the acting is atrocious. But this film (along with other such gems as Charlies Angels: Full Throttle and...well...pretty much any film with Arnold Swachenegger or William Shatner in it), is just one of those SO EXCRUCIATINGLY AWFUL movies that go through the boundaries of crap into hysterically funny. I guarantee that if you watch this film with a few other guys or gals who are in the mood for it, you will find it as funny as I did.

How can any film with these lines be bad?: "That snake is big. Big is good.", "God I hate you son." and "Guys like that, they get what they want. their own casinos, a hot biscuit like her, and now he's getting the first shot at killing our snake. F**ck that!" I rest my case.
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