Trailer Park Boys (2001–2018)
Thumbs WAY up down south
1 October 2006
Now, for a comment from a yank. This is THE funniest, THE biggest-hearted show I've ever had the good fortune to stumble across! On behalf of all of us poor, misbegotten souls that live due south of you Canadian's lower border (a.k.a the tree line) (sorry, I just couldn't resist), thank you, thank you, thank you! TPB isn't distributed in the U.S. as far as I can tell, so if you're a yank and unless you happen to live near the border and can watch CBC you won't know about this show other than by freak accident (it was a Netflix experiment for me). I see from the last couple of pages that there really are a few trifling slobs (on both sides of the Canadian/U.S. DMZ) that just don't get it. Well , I'm truly sorry for those poor miserable souls, probably something to do with the amount of fiber in their diet, but down here in Alabama WE sure get it! I've made it a (minor) mission to spread TPB around to everyone I can find with a pulse and I have yet to find anyone who (after a few episodes) hasn't been won over heart and soul (I make my friends send off for the DVD's after the first I give them, kind of like the neighborhood pusher). I won't say they don't exist in 'Bama (a land that may not have invented trailer parks, but has certainly perfected them) just that they're rare. Maybe that's why I like this part of the planet so much. I'm sorry for those who just don't get it, but I'm hard pressed to understand them either. After all, anyone who has ever had a family should recognize Ricky, Julian, Bubbles, et. al., with all their schemes, their plots, all their massively dysfunctional and f***ed up ways (to quote Ricky), and all their grace and generosity (where it REALLY matters) immediately. I know I certainly do, those guys are everyone I'm related to and everyone I ever grew up with boiled down and condensed. Apparently a lot of others do as well, which says many good things about the human race (even that part of it living in the desert south of you Canadian's border). This is a magnificent show, it makes me laugh so hard I have to pace myself so I won't end up at the doctor's office. I'm waiting on pins and needles for the movie (which should be out this month according to the net) and for the next season, and I really do mean pins and needles, what in the world will Ricky do next?! If you've somehow managed to read this far along in the comments and haven't seen TPB, do yourself a favor and get it! If you still don't like it eat a bran muffin or something, you're obviously in need it.
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