Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Empty Places (2003)
Season 7, Episode 19
An episode that had me shouting at the TV screen
9 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw this episode, I sat on the sofa in utter shock for about three seconds after it was over. Then, I jumped to my feet and (literally) shouted, "You just WAIT until Spike gets back!" I was furious that "Empty Places" went so far and the episode's constructed so only Spike and Andrew come out blameless. It's like the rest of the characters are suddenly on crack or something. The Scoobies have had problems before, but their new mistrust of Buffy seems to come out of nowhere this episode. That said, I actually like watching "Empty Places." It's sort of cathartic. I've never gotten through the scene in the living room without yelling at Dawn (traitorous brat) and I still eagerly wait for Spike to show up and ream them all in "Touched." If you're watching the season on DVD, you should see "Empty Places," as it sets up Buffy's separation from the group next episode and explains her quest for that ax thing. Just be prepared to get angry at the Scoobie gang.

"Empty Places" revolves around the fall out from Buffy's failed attack on the vineyard back in "Dirty Girls." The entire town is evacuating and Buffy goes to clean out her desk at work. While she's there, Caleb attacks her. Meanwhile, Willow and Giles have gotten a file on Caleb and traced him to some church massacre. Giles sends Spike and Andrew to investigate the church. Faith takes the Potentials to the Bronze to blow off some steam.

Buffy comes home and is furious that Giles sent Spike away to investigate the church. She claims that Spike is the one person who's "watching her back." Giles is annoyed that Buffy's questioning his decisions. At the Bronze, the Hellmouth is infecting the police. Learning that Faith is an escaped fugitive, they try to kill her. The Potentials try to help Faith. Buffy arrives and she and Faith argue. Meanwhile, at the church Spike and Andrew have found a clue to indicate some secret weapon that "only she may wield" (or something.)

Back at the Summers' house, Buffy comes up with a new idea. Since, Caleb's at the vineyard, then he must have a reason. Something he's searching for there. She wants the Scoobies to go back to the vineyard and find it first. Everyone refuses and Kennedy says that Faith should be in charge. Buffy is hurt and furious as they vote her out. She refuses to follow Faith and Dawn tells her that she has to leave the house, then.

There are some good parts to the episode. I like Willow and Xander's scenes in the hospital. Struggling not to cry and talking about the "good" points to his loosing an eye. "No one will ever make me watch 'Jaws 3D' again." And I really enjoy Anya and Andrew giving the Potentials a "something new is trying to kill you" speech in the basement. Andrew's assisting Anya, writing down her words as she tells the Potentials about the UberVamps and Caleb. (But, I don't know what she's talking about when she says that holy water doesn't work on UberVamps. Buffy used holy water on one back in "Showtime" and it worked just fine, right? I think Anya's wrong about that.) Anyway, she keeps getting off topic as she lectures them. She's worried about Xander and begins reminiscing about how the two of them had "break up sex right there on that cot." Which makes the Potentials sitting on the cot pretty uncomfortable. Andrew helpfully writes "break up sex" on his big pad of paper. Up in the kitchen, Faith explains her secret to dealing with Anya and her "sex with Xander" talks. "I just remind her that I had him first. Shuts her right the hell up." Really funny stuff. I also like Buffy seeing Clem as he leaves town. I just love Clem.

On the down side, I mean COME ON!!! The Scoobies vote Buffy out of her own house?!?! That's insane. I like watching it because it's a really dramatic scene, but there's no way I'm buying Buffy's eviction. Giles is mad at Buffy about Spike and Dawn is still worried about that warning that "Joyce" gave her in "Conversations with Dead People," but would they really kick her out because of that? Of the house that SHE owns, no less? What are they going to do without Buffy to lead them? Willow hates Faith. She's always hated Faith. And now she's voting for Faith, the convicted murderer who once tried to strangle Xander, to be in charge? And just last episode, Xander gave a rousing speech about Buffy's talents and bravery, and now he thinks she's reckless and unfit to be head Slayer? Are they all high or something? Buffy's right. Her plan is ALWAYS to infiltrate the bad guy's headquarters and look for stuff. (See season two's "Suprise," three's "Choices," season four's "The 'I' in Team," season five's "Intervention," season six's "Seeing Red" for some very similar Buffy schemes.) Since when do the Scoobies refuse to go along with that plan? It always works! (Well, there were a few problems over the years, but it all worked out okay.) Buffy's the Chosen One, it's her town, her house and her army. What gives anyone the right to vote her out? If they don't like the plan, why don't THEY leave? Honestly, there's so much craziness going on in that scene that I just chalk it up to "Nope, the Scoobies wouldn't do that" and move on with the season.

My favorite part of the episode: Spike and Andrew riding on Spike's motorcycle, discussing how to make those "flowering onion" snacks. It's so fun and off-the-wall that I just laugh every time I see that scene. Andrew is even wearing the helmet Spike made Dawn wear back in season six's "Bargaining Part Two." I love it.
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