11 August 2006
Always enjoyed the great acting of John Garfield,(Nick Robey) and for some reason, I did not see this picture until just recently on TCM. The film is hard to locate nowadays and was great to see the very last picture that John Garfield ever made. As usual, Nick Robey is a down on his luck guy in this picture and even his own mother hates his guts and gives him a very hard slap in the face. Nick gets involved with a robbery and decides at the same time to go for a swim in the local indoor swimming pool and meets up with Shelly Winters,(Peggy Dobbs). These two get pretty close to each other and Peggy sort of invites Nick into her parents apartment and it is from that point in the film when everything starts to get interesting. John Garfield's career was beginning to slow down for him in Hollywood and he did have heart problems and was found dead making love, which was probably exactly the way Garfield would have want it to happen in real life. Great Classic film with a very sad ending.
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