The Amazing Screw-On Head (2005 TV Movie)
This is what television should be...
28 July 2006
MTV showed potential with "Liquid Television" a few years ago (But never realized that potential). David Lynch proved that weirdness could survive at least one season with "Twin Peaks" and now finally animation AND storyline that truly raises the bar. Sure HBO had Spawn and it was edgy but this is the cream.... I would love to see more episodes of course (Mignolia is the new Kirby). What would be really nice is to see this on the big screen, Say before "Hellboy II", Sci-Fi could use this as a great advertising vehicle.

One can only hope that this will lead the vanguard for more interesting projects in animation. I can only dream of a world where "Flaming Carrot" and "The Sandman" are animated fare. Something like "The Invisibles" ,"Preacher" or even the easily contemporary "Transmetropolitan" with Spider Jerusalem tapping away at his powerbook and creating havoc.Sorry, I strayed far....This Mignolia work is amazing and until I can get cable in the alternate universe this will whet my fanboy appetite.
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