19 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have to stop myself or I will rave, rave, rave about this movie (movie? no, it's rather a revelation, I suppose) all night long. Boe has delivered a true piece of art: LOVE made into a movie! Many, many European and Asian directors have tried this before, but I can't remember anyone with Boe's narrative, poetic and artistic skills. Technically, "Reconstruction" is also brilliant.

The actors, well, the actors: Bonnevie is pure enchantment, and Nikolaj Lie Kaas is, well, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, simply one of Europe's best contemporary actors. Usually cast in weird comedies, he turns into an extremely passionate performance as the desperate man who loves two women (both played by Bonnevie). Maria Bonnevie does a very elegant Hitchcockian blonde while Nikolaj becomes more and more the anti-hero we know from the French classics. Both of them know damn well how to seduce their audience, they surely made me tremble over and over again with admiration and lust.

"Reconstruction" is a masterpiece who all those who enjoy thought-provoking entertainment. I will stop myself now and try to sum it up in one word: Excellent!
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