The Twilight Zone: The Passersby (1961)
Season 3, Episode 4
6 July 2006
Grim procession of Civil War wounded drifts eerily down a dusty road in front of a war-torn southern mansion where a young woman sits waiting, but waiting for what.

Slow moving, elegiac episode that manages some impact despite the fact that nothing much happens. Whatever awards the entry deserves should go to the art department and set designer for their truly spooky fog-shrouded road. In fact, the combined effect almost reaches the level of the inspired. The devastated mansion where the woman sits is also persuasive with its debris-strewn porch. Whatever the half-hour lacks in drama, it more than makes for in atmosphere. There is a pay-off, although an astute observer may well guess it early on. James Gregory shines as the limping soldier, showing once again what an all around fine performer he was. All in all, a rather strange episode that may stay with you even if it lacks the wallop of the best half-hours.
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