Review of 10 Attitudes

10 Attitudes (2001)
9 Too Many
10 June 2006
There may be worse gay indy films out there...okay, not that many, but one or two...okay, one (but I can't remember the title right now). This poor excuse for a flick is definitely bottom of the barrel movie-making. The leading man is gay combination of Gary Shandling and Christopher Guest but not nearly as appealing or funny as either. Unfortunately, he's also the writer. The videography is awful, poorly lit, with unwatchable camera work from start to finish. My grandparents could do better with their 1982 beta cam. The tone is all over the map; from farcical comedy to syrupy melodramatic romance - with success at neither end of the spectrum (or anywhere in the middle, for that matter). My finger itched for the FF button on my remote from the movie's very first scene. How David Faustino, Judy Tenuta and JM J. Bullock ever agreed to this film is beyond me! The title is totally misleading (why not call it "Ten Dates", which is what it essentially is?) as the only attitude on display will be the viewer's - who will be sporting major 'tude sitting through this dud.
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