Resurrection (1980)
Slightly different ending in the original
3 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Outside of my admiration for this gem of a film, I would like to add that the original 1980 version as it was first shown (103 minutes) has a slightly longer ending than the MCA VHS ending (102 minutes). The VHS version ends abruptly with the hug, and the titles immediately run over that freeze frame. The original, however, shows Edna hugging the boy, who then gets back into the parent's vehicle and leaves. The last shot is of Edna's smiling face. Then the titles run. As with the shortened version, the viewer knows what future awaits the boy.

It is a shame that so many VHS versions such as Resurrection contain these awful alterations, but wonderful that DVD copies have returned what we all should have been able to see in the first place. Come on MCA, time to get the original cut out on DVD!
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