Decent Late 80's U.S. Exploit Film
26 January 2006
I see that this film seems to have many hard-core supporters, and although I liked it well enough, I was a little disappointed after actually seeing it. Not that DEADBEAT AT DAWN was a bad film by any means...It just didn't quite live up to what I thought it would...

Goose is the leader of a gang who's ready to quit the life and settle with his girlfriend. Other gang members don't find this acceptable, and end up killing Goose's girlfriend. Of course this doesn't sit well with our protagonist and revenge is sweet...sorta...

For a low-budget film, this one is pretty good. A good amount of violence and a decent straight-forward plot (along with Goose's AWESOME nunchaku skills...) make up for mediocre acting and dialog (and the plethora of horrible mullets and other hair-style infringements...). Overall, I would recommend this for anyone who digs gritty, exploit-style films as this one DOES deliver. The last fight scene is worth the wait. Worth a look, just don't expect TOO much...7/10
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