Louis Mann Performance
18 December 2005
Interesting to see others speak highly of Louis Mann in his one and only sound screen performance. Hence the only visual/aural record of his work. But for those writing why they've never heard of Mann, the reason is that he spent a very full career on the New York stage where he was very well known(www.ibdb.com). Born April 20 1865(six days after Lincoln was shot)Mann spent his youth in the theater during the 1890s-1900s. This is obviously before sound films were invented so no record of his early work is preserved. To 1930s film audiences he would have been familiar and especially to New York film audiences. Mann, like many high brow theater stars, opted to make a sound film as an 'experiment'. Not always for the money but to test the waters of a new medium. His one other film, a 1914 silent, may indicate he did not like the film medium and preferred theater acting & writing plays. Perhaps as the technology & prestige of films got better and he got older he had a change of heart. Also Mann's actress wife of many decades, Clara Lipman, was one of the dialogue writers on Sins of the Children. They were a well known stage couple coming to the big screen in a way similar to George & Florence Arliss in "Disraeli". SoTC is a good candidate to serve as a Christmas classic along with "If I Had A Million". If only MGM/Turner would release SoTC in their 'Glorious Black & White' video series. **Many fascinating pictures of Mann & Lipman can be found in Daniel Blum's "Pictorial History of the American Theater"
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