Goblet IS Awesome
26 November 2005
First, a warning. If you're one of those people, the ones that call themselves "purists", and you scream bloody murder if a single detail is changed or omitted when a book is made into a film, you probably won't like this film. However, if you're a bit more realistic, and realize that something on a page doesn't always make a good transition to a screen, and if you are a fan of movies, you will love this film.

This is, hands down, the best Potter film to date. Up until now, most have considered PoA the best film; this one leaves it in the dust. It's all there. Action, drama, and art.

The film is artfully done, the sets and cinematography are beautiful, carefully set up, but not as self-aware as PoA, which is a good thing. At times PoA could be a bit contrived.

The 147 minute running time goes by like a breeze. I felt that I had been in the theater for an hour instead of nearly 2 1/2. The film moves quickly, especially in the beginning. But this is only to it's credit. The action is non-stop. You simply can't catch your breath. The Triwizard tasks were magnificent. If J.K. Rowling has one fault, it's that she doesn't write action particularly well. No hint of that here.

And the acting? Incredible. Only one slightly false note jangles in the performance of Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. His Dumbledore is a bit rough, a little off the character we know from the books. But one cannot help but feel that the fault lays not with Gambon, but with the decision of the writers and director to show us the weaker, more frightened side of Dumbledore that we don't glimpse until Half-Blood Prince.

There was one person, however, who made this film with their performance, and it may come as a shock to you.

Daniel Radcliffe. He absolutely blew my socks off. His acting has improved so much I couldn't believe it. Before this film, I probably would have said that Rupert Grint or even Emma Watson was the most natural performer of the three. But after this, I can say that if people give him a chance, especially the chance to expand and perform in other roles besides Potter, Radcliffe will be really something to watch in the coming years. He should really be proud. This was a difficult performance to give, and the risk for an unexperienced actor to make it a cheesy cringe fest was great, but he rose to the occasion splendidly. Well done.

So there you have it. Don't listen to me, though. Go and see it yourself. In the words of Hagrid (from the film), "You'll be glad you came".
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