Review of Steal

Steal (2002)
24 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so i sat down, thinking this film would be an OK average film, with a original, yet not spectacular plot.

Well, i was wrong. Seems the directors,writers and producers of the movie has never actually seen an action film in there life. Well, that can be the only excuse they have for ripping off at least every semi good action heist movie there ever was. The plot is predictable, the cast..average and let's not even start with the acting. I've seen better in a 'power rangers' film.

The most obvious bad acting comes from the (and i'm ashamed to say) British Stephen Berkoff, who sounds like he: A.Has never heard a southern American accent in his life B.Is performing in pantomime.

The same goes for Bruce Payne, who is so blatantly trying to look tough, but ends up a clichéd joke.

In fact i would go as far as to say this is probably the worst heist film of all time.

Dire trash. Watch it at your own risk.
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