Review of Urbania

Urbania (2000)
Requires Re-Viewing for Fullest Appreciation
9 October 2005
This is a complex, layered film that appeals most to those looking for something beyond mindless fluff. That having been said, by the time one reaches the film's conclusion, one feels exhausted, vindicated, furious, empowered, blown-away, or some combination thereof. But to fully appreciate the script and its many intricacies, a re-viewing is required -- it simply gets better the second go 'round.

Director John Shear is to be applauded, as are so many of the supporting cast members. Dan Futterman's performance, however, is nothing short of superb. His character's range of emotions could easily be overplayed; Mr. Futterman's delivery is so dead-on that one easily gets lost in his character - we become him - even if we don't fully understand him. This is clearly an example of acting done so well, we forget he's acting.

Do yourself a favor: set two hours aside during which you cannot be interrupted, forget your DVD player has a pause button, and climb aboard for the ride.
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