Review of Head

Head (1968)
A Movie With A Porpoise. :-)
30 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Sadly, this movie is relegated to 'curio' status it seems. Many people that I've asked "Did you know the Monkees made a movie?" usually answer 'No.' That being said, if you are one of that large number, I recommend you see it, but with the following caveat(s): If you expect Monkey style humor, it is in there. It's just not all over the place like the TV shows.

Yes, they are trying to break their TV mold a bit by poking fun at it like a bunch of no-longer-teenagers who have been on the short end of a lot of sticks.

No, you don't have to be inebriated to enjoy it.

No, you don't have to be inebriated to understand it.

If you like classics, you'll love the interspersed clips throughout.

If you like the psychedelic era, you'll love some of the cameos.

If you are a Monkees fan, you might recognize some of the jabs they are taking at the heavy commercializing of the band.

In the nigh-immortal words of one of my best friends after seeing 5 minutes of it: "This is a weird movie, man." In fact it might be better if you don't try to understand it, just sit back and react to it. It's weird, it's funny, it's a bit surreal, it's experimental (still) is many things. Overall, it is an experience.

ADDITIONAL - Not too terribly long ago I was given the following link for a fantastic article that revolves around Head, and the context of the time. If permitted, at the end of this I will copy the link. If not, then just do a search for Monkees Subversive Masterpiece (published 04/01/2013on a zeitgeist-y report site) and that ought to come up with the article I am referencing. The jewel of the article is towards the end:

"This leads to the question, "Where has the art gone in our art?"

Sad to say it's nowhere to be found. Today's starry-eyed (ed. teens) aspire to become scripted. They dream to someday become unreal. They'd sell their souls to sell their souls."

OK it doesn't like the link, so do the search and it shouldn't be hard to find, if not on the top of the search results.
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