The Dead Pit (1989)
it's the pits... OK I got nothing
20 May 2005
Twenty years after an insane sadistic doctor is shot dead and walled into the basement, a young amnesiac (Stuntwoman Cheryl Lawson) is admitted to the same nut house. When an earthquake frees the doctor from his prison, he resumes his devious work. I fully knew what I was getting into when I saw that Brett Leonard (who has done "the Lawnmower Man", "Hideaway", and "Man-thing") was responsible for this. And for the most part I was right, but then something strange happened in the last 30 minutes, I actually saw an inkling of... competence (shock horror) Of course that didn't last long and all it left me with was the feeling that I'd rather be watching "Dr. Giggles", no I take that back NO ONE should have to sit through THAT 'movie' again.

Eye Candy: Cheryl Lawson gets the shirt shot off her back

My Grade:D+
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