Incident on a Dark Street (1973 TV Movie)
Mister Wallace..I Want My MONEY!
31 March 2005
(Some Spoilers) Made for TV movie about corruption in high places in the city government. With a totally out-of-the-blue sub-plot that has nothing at all to do with whats going on in the film.

Vinnie Romero, Tony Glorgio, is murdered by the Leopold Mob and dumped off a Pier with an ice pick stuck in his head. Vinnie was going to the DA's office to blow the whistle on Leapold and his connections with the city's head of the Utilities Authorthy Devaver G. Wallace, William Shatner, in rigging building contracts. Knowing he's a marked man Vinnie gave the evidence that he had on Leopold to his brother Frank, Richard Casellano,for safe-keeping.

With Vinnie now in the city morgue Frank feels he'll join him very soon and goes to the DA for protection.Not wanting to be a stool pigeon, like Vinnie, Frank is let out on the street where the Leopold Mob is out to get him. Frank ends up almost getting flattened by a steamroller before he accepts help from the DA's office. In return for his testimony and documents he has on the Leopold Mob.

Taking the police and members of the DA's office to the place where he hid the evidence on Leopold Frank is blown apart and killed by a bomb planted there by the mob who took the incriminating documents before hand. Back at Wallace's office panic is setting in with him and his assistant and partner Ed Shilling, Murray Hamilton, on the verge of bankruptcy in a failed stock venture. Shilling needs cash to stave that off with Wallace wanting more of the kick-back from the deal he has going with Leopold something called "The Portland Project".

Wallace to his dismay finds that "The Portland Projet" fell through, which earlier lead to his partner in crime Shiller committing suicide after he got the bad news from Leopold himself. It also comes to light to the shocked Wallace that the bank that he owes the money for his stock market adventure is owned by non-other then Leopold's nephew! So he's in no position to ask Leopold for any kick-backs at all.

Getting smacked around by Leopold's boys for not being able to pay him back his money Wallace later agrees, or is forced, to talk and at the end of the film we see him and Leopold being brought before the court to face justice. The sub-plot in the movie has to do with young Arthur Trenier, James Davidson, on trial for drug possession as well as drug trafficking that can put him away for as much as fifteen years.

With all hope gone to keep Arthur out of the clink his wife Louise, Kathleen Llyod, reveals to the stunned prosecuting attorney Paul Hamilton Jr, Robert Pine,that she has this fatal disease and hasn't long to live, this dying from an unknown illness was a big thing back then in Hollywood. The DA Joe Dubbs, James Olson, who was very determined to put poor Arthur away agrees with the much more sympathetic DA's attorney Hamilton to give him probation.

Run of the mill crime/court story that has a much better cast then the material that their given makes it both interesting and watchable.
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