Midnight Mary (1933)
Great William A. Wellman Production
6 January 2005
William A. Wellman produced many great film Classics and this was one of his greatest. However, Loretta Young,(Mary Martin),"The Bishop's Wife",'47 looked radiant and sexy in her role as a young woman who got off in life on the wrong side of the bed everyday. Mary ran into Ricardo Cortez,(Leo Darcy),"Charlie Chan in Reno,",'39, who was a big time gangster and managed to involve Mary in his criminal activities, forcing Mary to spend time in jail and away from her new lover. Franchot Tone,(Thomas Mannering,Jr.),"Jigsaw",'49, fell in love with Mary Martin while eating some turkey in his apartment late at night. The conversation turned to sex and Mary said," Sex is All that Men Always Think About", which must have gotten some attention in the early 1930's. Andy Devine,(Sam Travers),"Pete Kelly's Blues,",'55, was a sidekick for Thom Mannering and played lots of slapstick comedy which he was famous for during his Hollywood career. Una Merkel,(Bunny,'Bun') gave a great supporting role as a dippy blonde who got pregnant by one of Leo Darcy pals. If you love old time great Classic Actors, this is the film for YOU.
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