It could have been much better, but still very much enjoyable as movie.
1 December 2004
I've been a fan of Digimon Adventure and Zero Two for about four years now, and when I heard they were coming out with a movie in America for it I got excited.

So when I finally saw it, it was somewhat of a letdown. Sure, the movie has its funny parts, but it was too changed from the original Japanese versions that it just can't really compare. For one, the three "parts" don't really have anything to do with each other. They're three separate movies in Japan (and there was a fourth one later that never made it's way to the US), and they should have stayed that way. Plus, chunks were left out of the movie to cut down on time, parts that were rather important to understanding the plot as a whole. Some of the jokes were funny, but some were quite stupid, and of course a lot of them portrayed Daisuke (Davis) as being more stupid than he was shown in the Japanese version.

However, I understand that many people cannot understand raw Japanese, and as of yet there is no official subtitled version legally released, so if you enjoy Digimon and are looking for a good laugh, I would still recommend this movie. Though I admit I enjoyed the four Japanese movies better than this one, it's still a movie I found good enough to go out and buy and watch from time to time. It's cute, it's fun, and how can you not enjoy a movie about a bunch of kids and their pet digital monsters trying to save not just one, but the best of two worlds?
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