sweet and bittersweet
6 March 2004
I saw "Rewind" at Cinequest 2004. This South Korean film will feel familiar to many Americans I think, not just because so many Hollywood actors and actresses appear on posters in the video shop where much of action takes place, but also the general plot flow follows what we have seen before in "go-get-her-ya-big-lunkhead" romances.

The twist comes in figuring out which "her"?

Our hero has turned his back on a potential career in law, and fallen out of marriage (though maybe not love) to settle his life into a more simple and sullen existence running a video store. His own dreams commingle with the videos he rents. It is winter outside...and his heart may well be frozen up as well.

His quietude I think help us align with him. Additionally he's shown doing acts of kindness (including doling out cash to a local hobo). A quiet desperation is built up about him, he's more comfortable around alcoholic beverages than the bevy of beautiful women that express interest in him.

An anonymous letter helps to break down some of the distance around him. (Quietly I was hoping the hobo would prove to be the letter-writer, but alas no.) Add in some "sex, lies and videotape" and a clever appearance of that actual cassette, and we get a pretty engaging film. That Sodebergh reference comes at the end of a nice comedic "confessional" with rental penances.

There is a love scene or two in this, but the muted sexuality throughout the film provided more frisson. Hyeong-seong Jang was genuine and gentle in the lead role, but can he overcome being as remote as the control he uses to watch films?

A theme of fate in relationships is examined, albeit subtly...or at least by the time it was translated to English subtitles, it was subtle for me. But mostly this is a romance that roams between the sweet and the bittersweet.

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