Cartoon Cartoon Fridays (2000–2006)
12 November 2003
Watching Cartoon Network's "The New Fridays" makes me long for the old Cartoon Cartoon Fridays. They weren't nearly as annoying as Tommy and Nzinga (The hell kind of name is that anyway?). Tommy actually said he was "Still tingling" over the 5 minute crapfest 'Clone Wars' that airs on Cartoon Network. A 'Microseries' as it were. How can anyone tingle over 5 minutes of crap that you've probably already gathered happened in the damn movie theatre?

All around crapification. Now, I mean no offense to Tommy or Nzinga, they're probably nice people in their own right, (I'm sure that the writers forced Tommy to tingle) but this is just ludicrous. Cartoon Network is for cartoons, not people. Give it up.
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