15 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie a year ago, it was the most atrocious, plot-hole ridden, worst acted video I ever watched. It didn't even qualify as camp, avoid this at all costs - it was that poor. I actually saw this at a screening with David B. Stewart present, I am pretty sure most of his family was in the theater too. I tried not to laugh, I really did but it was impossible not too.

Maplewoods takes the cliché of "the secret military zombie experiment gone wrong" to new levels of horribleness. Amazingly stupid. The army squad is escorted in by a CIA agent, which for some reason that is never explained or even hinted at, the military guys turn on him and just shoot the poor guy accusing him of being a turncoat. And it all falls off a cliff from there.

Watch as a strobe-effect-filled room full of poorly made-up zombies slapping each other with raw meat represents the shocking secret. Meanwhile, top side, the rest of the soldiers desperately try to run as slow as possible so the lumbering zombies can grab them.

Add in wooden actors who are from the "If I am not cursing every other word, than I better light up a smoke" school and you know your in for an unwatchable wreck. Every frame in this video is more useless than the next.

As a fan of indie flicks from film makers on a shoe string budget, I would avoid anything to to with this ugliness. As for the wonderful first review up top, I wish I had been smoking what they were when i watched this.
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