Mariana de la noche (2003–2004)
Romantic and Sexy
1 April 2004
This romantic story, of a young woman who thinks she is cursed to "una vida sin amor", is riveting from the opening episode. The interesting and mysterious nighttime visuals are a good backdrop to the lush incidental music by Jorge Avendaño and the intensity of the acting, especially by the macho and very sexy Jorge Salinas as the leading man. The equally talented and highly versatile Cesar Evora is on board as a possessive father who will stop at nothing -- including murder -- to keep his daughter to himself. Atilio Montenegro is possibly Evora's most evil villain to date.

The supernatural elements to this novela are fascinatingly integrated into a standard novela story of love and revenge.

Noteworthy performances include Patti Navidad and Rene Strickler, Maria Rojo, and Sergio Acosta. Some of the other characters are over the top, such as Chachi and the mad Maria Lola, but the sane presence of Alma Muriel (normally a first-rate villain) balances out the dramatis personae. Highly recommended, especially if it makes its next appearance in late-night TV.

Edited to Add: The abridged DVD is a better job than the one of ABRAZAME MUY FUERTE. It lacks the Juan Gabriel song used for the credits, but contains the original incidental music. There are a few scenes missing that should not have been, but the story is largely coherent. Jorge Salinas' fans will be pleased.
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